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Jan. 27, 2023

Episode 58 - The Prince (Part 2)

This week we’ll be taking a closer look at the Supreme Privy council, Plus we’ll get to see how Russia and Great Britain almost came to blows and how Menshikov managed to get his daughter engaged to a member of the established imperial family.
To sig...

This week we’ll be taking a closer look at the Supreme Privy council, Plus we’ll get to see how Russia and Great Britain almost came to blows and how Menshikov managed to get his daughter engaged to a member of the established imperial family.

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List of books that I use (or have used) for the podcast

Chronicle of the Russian Tsars - David Warnes  (A good high-level history)

The Gates of Europe - Serhii Plokhy (Ukrainian History)

Russia, A history - Gregory L Freeze

Russia and the Russians - Geoffrey Hosking

Russia - Martin Sixsmith (Another High-level history)

The Cambridge History of Russia, Volume 1 - From the Early Rus to 1689) (Very detailed but a bit on the heavy side)

Peter the Great - Robert Massie

Catherine the Great - Robert Massie 

The Romanovs - Simon Sebag Montefiore

The Longman companion to Imperial Russia 1689 - 1917 - David Longley  - full of facts, some of which the other books just don’t include but more of a reference guide